

Your business is unique but, when it comes to IT, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. RevDev’s standard product offering can provide solutions for a host of different business needs across all major industries. These ready-made solutions can be deployed with minimal customization and integration to save you time and money.


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Qlik (pronounced "click”) is a powerful business intelligence and data integration tool and is one of the three leaders in the business intelligence and dashboard space, according to Gartner LINK. The Qlik suite of software solutions can integrate and concatenate just about any type of data from hundreds of different applications and sources, both internal and external to your business.

Qlik allows you to see the underlying trends hidden in your company’s data.

RevDev is Qlik partner and an authorized dealer of all Qlik products. We have implemented more Qlik projects than any other partner in our region and our team has dozens of developers with experience using this powerful visualization tool.

To see a few examples of projects we have implemented using Qlik, go to the case studies section of our website or just Qlik here. (see what we did there?)

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To speak to an account manager about whether Qlik might right for your business.

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Platinum partner

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IsoMetrix is a leading integrated risk and compliance management software developer that provides cutting-edge solutions for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, as well as environment, health, and safety (EHS) management.

IsoMetrix software provides a general framework that can be used to standardize and track almost any type of business process. The system also comes equipped with a host of predesigned modules that provide solutions for a common set of business challenges, including: Integrated Risk Management, Incident Management, Audit Management, Job Safety Analysis, Training Register, Emergency Preparedness, Biodiversity Monitoring, Complaints and Grievances, etc. These modules can be mixed and matched and then customized to meet the specific needs of your organization. Alternatively, if the existing modules do not meet the specific needs of your organization, entirely new modules can be quickly and easily built to match the processes used by your organization.

RevDev is platinum level implementation partner of IsoMetrix and an authorized dealer of all related products. We have implemented more IsoMetrix projects than any other partner in the world and our team has dozens of developers with experience using this framework.

To see a few examples of projects we have implemented using IsoMetrix, go to the case studies section of our website

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To speak to an account manager about whether IsoMetrix might right for your business.

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IoT (Internet of Things)
and Remote Site Networking


RevDev specializes in establishing wireless data networks at remote sites (operating mine sites, mineral exploration projects, processing plants, industrial facilities, agricultural projects, etc.) using a custom-made telemetry device that acts as a router.

These networks can have a range of up to 10 kilometres in any direction, using a single routing device. They can be expanded using additional devices. The network can penetrate rock and earth, passing through mountain ranges and mine shifts. It is extremely low cost and can operate independently of satellite or cell phone infrastructure. The network can connect to hundreds of IoT sensors, actuators and smart devices – aggregating data and issuing command. This ground-breaking technology makes it possible to see, automate and even directly control and respond to events occurring at a remote mine site or remote agricultural site thousands of miles away from anywhere in the world.

RevDev partners with Informed Decisions informed decision logo , a sensor and IoT device manufacturing company, to create state of the art monitoring and control systems at remote locations.

Imagine sitting in the comfort of your office headquarters and being able to track the location, speed, and fuel consumption of every vehicle in your fleet in real time, on your laptop. You notice that one vehicle’s fuel efficiency is down and issue a notification for the truck to report to maintenance for an inspection.

Imagine being at home, waking up early and being able to check the particle size of the underflow in the hydrocyclones at your processing plant on your phone. You notice that the particle size is increasing and an order is automatically issued for more grinding balls to be added to the mil.

These types of controls are now possible with the IoT revolution, at a cost much lower than you might expect.

To learn more.

Click here

To speak to an account manager about our IoT and Remote Networking services might right for your business.

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Interval is a new cloud-based solution that helps valuers to produce RICS & IVS standard-perfect reports in a fraction of the time with far fewer human errors.

With its easy-to-follow decision tree architecture, Interval guides valuers through all aspects of an assignment including the terms of engagement, the investigation report, the valuation report and the audit trail.

RevDev is the developer behind InterVal and the main implementation partner for this newly launched platform.

To find out more about InterVal.

Click here

To speak to an account manager about whether InterVal might right for your business.

Click here